Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Had a Dream

I was on a planet other than Earth. Unlike Earth's vivid colors, the colors of this planet were dull and poisonous. The sky was a shadowy purple, the trees were murky orange, and the ground was dirty blue. I was a sacred demon. My body was thin and hunched. My face was slanted inward. Large claws grew from my long fingers and sharp, ghastly fangs protruded from my mouth. I was evil; I was sacred. The natives of the planet worshiped me. I was given an area of land that was solely mine. Trespassers were sacrifices. I had an old, dreary house to live in. Two Earthlings, a couple, a blond female and blond male stumbled upon my territory unaware of the sacrilege they had committed or the danger their lives were in. I hunted them down to kill them. The natives of the planet, my devotees, took pity on the ignorance of the Earthlings and protected them by fighting me back with spears. I continuously hunted the couple, but always I was hampered by the natives.


Lkroya said...
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Aliguile said...

I think I left a comment and then deleted it for some reason.